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[vdr] Re: AC3overDVB patch for vdr-1.3.13?

I demand that Rolf Ahrenberg may or may not have written...

> On Thu, 21 Oct 2004, Darren Salt wrote:
>> Those using enAIO/easyinput might like to look at 04_input_alpha and the
>> corresponing input-stripped enAIO (opt-20_enAIO-1.4).

> Your easyinput alternative may or may not be very quick and slick if you're
> only writing English ;)


> However, the real languages


> use plenty of accented characters and you'll have to move your thumb on the
> remote instead of simple additional clicks to get a such..

Think of it as a "compose" key or dead accent. ;-)

> besides wouldn't it be better to use the same layout as in phones and not
> to invent another or do the layouts vary between (west) European counries?

Probably not, but it makes sense to me to use the layout which is printed on
the remote control: my reference RC was supplied with my Nova-T card.

Run-time layout selection, perhaps? ISTM that making it sensitive to the
current character encoding may also be useful.

> PS. I didn't test your patch - only looked at it.

Worksforme ;-)

| Darren Salt | d youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk | nr. Ashington,
| Debian,     | s zap,tartarus,org            | Northumberland
| RISC OS     | @                             | Toon Army
|   I don't ask for much, just untold riches...

He who foresees calamities suffers them twice over.

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