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[vdr] Re: ON TOPIC:Re: Re: new features: RPM

Am Sonntag, 8. Juni 2003 13:04 schrieb Onno:
> [...] (some talk about english for runaways)

> For the RPM way:
> don't try, it will fail, not for the sake of rpm itself, but the various
> legal issues:
> the following plugins/addons/extra tools can't be distributed binary:

don't agree here mostly

> dvd (unless only usable for promo/homemade/dd dvd's)

Isn't it linked with a library ? Its the question if libdvdnav uses dvdcss, 
nothing the plugin have to care about as far as i understood. 

> mp3 (unless you leave out mp3)

thats not a problem in all countries. There are ways for all distros to get 
such stuff. Isn't libsndfile what takes care of mp3 decoding ? 

> anything with ac3 which alters any bit in the stream
> mplayer (they do it, but no mayor distributor[mp3,ac3,asf,..])

again there are ways for it. 

> anything generating mpeg2 (mpeg2encode,mpeg2enc,tosvcd,...)

tosvcd is in contrib-cooker (Mandrake)

> .....
> some of these issues are only theoretical (no one _will_ sue you)
> but if you are successful some one will come and bother you....
> And in conjunction with all the needed software this rpm
> would have to be an source rpm, since too many compiler/glibc
> environments are around in user land, and the targeted audience
> can hardly update their gcc/glibc just to install an rpm :-)


> the download size (including the needed libs) would easily be 100mb+
> and the packager would have to make some decisions, the user would have
> to live with (some plugins/patches cant be combined)

I guess something that people can live with. 

> so one could make a vdr rpm, but you need some sort of team for it....

Its more a question to custum scripts and let vdr fit in an environment. You 
can't use the normal structure. You need to add the dvb-drivers to the 
kernel, you need to load the driver from there and not with make insmod, you 
need a runlevlescript, alter the location for plugins, config-files .... So 
its a bit of work, but sure not impossible. Now there 1.2.0 is out I'm sure 
there will come RPMs up. I thought several times about it, there are some 
here who have done it (for SuSE if i remember right) and I know that it will 
be packaged for mandrake in the next time (for Cooker/9.2).
It is for sure nothing that Klaus should care about, it has to be the work of 
deb/rpm-maintainer and not of the vdr development team. (Klaus & plugin 
developer). So it is valid that someone want to have a rpm, but it is not 
right to ask Klaus for it. 


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