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[vdr] Re: Is it possible to use a pause the active cPlayer, startanother playerand afterwards active the paused player again?

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

Gunnar Roth wrote:

i will refactor my question:
How can i restart the previous active player automatically from my plugin?

Unless you have a pointer to that player and the player has some
way of resuming where it left off, I'm afraid you can't.


A pointer to the active cControl would be needed, or am i wrong?

teh mp3-plugin from stefan huelswitt, does this:

bool cMP3Control::SetPlayList(cPlayList *PList)
delete plist;

if(plist) {
cControl *control=cControl::Control();
if(control && typeid(*control)==typeid(cMP3Control)) { // is there a running MP3 player?
static_cast<cMP3Control*>(control)->NewPlaylist(plist); // signal the running player to load the new playlist
return true;
cControl::Launch(new cMP3Control);
return false;

SetPlayList is a stic method of cMP3Control and is called
if the user presses the play key.
he looks which cControl is active and if its the cMP3Control he relaods the playlist

could this way be used to stop the active control, dislaunch it and reactivate later on?

the vdrplayer has some way of resuming; where it left off. the would be sufficient right now for me.

so now some meat will be grilled by me, without mercy ;-)


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