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[vdr] Re: CAM problems - revisited

Hi Klaus,

> > CI:
> > (C)am (I)nterface <-- This is what plugs into the DVB card

> Wouldn't this be (C)ommon (I)nterface?

Yes, of course. I guess I am still a little sleepy after a nightshift ;o))

> > >have with using their CAMs in combination with the new Link Layer
> > >firmware. From what I have been able to see so far it would appear
> > >that there are different versions of the CiMAX chip built into
> > >these CAM modules.

> So, can you confirm that CiMAX 1.0 works, but CiMAX 2.0 doesn't?
> From the other messages (and my own tests) so far it looks like the board
> revision (1.3 or 1.4) doesn't matter. Only the CiMAX 2.0 is the problem.

Whoops. I have never seen a rev 1.3 CI(!) board. I missed that on the first
pass across your mail. I only know of 1.4 CI (which works) and a rev 1.5
or 1.6 CI(!) board, which doesn't work. 

To add some confusion to it all, I have a rev 1.4 CI board here (connected
to my 1.6 DVB boards), which has a CiMax 2.0 chip on it and it works very
well with the LL firmware. I have recorded several PW films and never 
experienced a CAM failure during recording using the LL firmware. (haven't
gotten around to upgrading to the newest VDR & DVB drivers, tho, but the
problems where around back then, too). 

CAMS I use: Alphacrypt 1.0 & 1.10 and Magic Module with Pentacyrpt 1.09
and 1.10 (a few of the other MM firms do *not* work with the LL firmware,
but they also present problems in my Nokia 9902S)

AFAICR the rev >1.4 CI board has an even newer CiMax chip on it and
the board layout of the CI changed, too. All people I can remember
having a rev >1.4 CI board never got the LL firmware to work.


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