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[vdr] Re: feature request: Instant Replay

Am Freitag, 21. November 2003 22:38 schrieb Johannes Schöller:

> i don't think that recording on harddisk all the time is the way to go. put
> 128 or 256 mb in your machine and you have at least time for a 60s playback
> buffer that will be deleted (and/or freshly filled) with every channel
> switch. that shouldn't make channel hopping any slower (because it's all in
> memory only)

As far as I can imagine this concept your ringbuffer is only usefull when filled
with data. If you would like to rewinding 60 seconds back that would mean
after every channel switch vdr has to wait 60 seconds befor showing a picture.
After this 60 seconds your buffer is completely full and you can see the delayed
video signal. If it doesn't wait the buffer will never be filled up after switching
because the speed of incoming and outgoing data is the same.

Well, I don't want my vdr take 60 seconds for one switch. Maybe I'm wrong, but
I cannot imagine how to solve this. Maybe replaying slower than the original
video would do, but this wouldn't be very nive too.

Or did I make any mistake here?


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