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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Timeline 0.9.0

Rainer Zocholl wrote:ürgen Schmitz)  03.01.05 12:20

Rainer Zocholl wrote:

Does it take "LNB-sharing" into its estimatations or
only the transponders?

Is the plugin aware of mixed systens with DVB-T/DVB-C/DVB-S?

Wouldn't it make sense to choose different main time lines
for each card?
Currently i can't see that the timer is on DVB-T for example.

I'm using vdr function to check weather a channel is available on a

So it will lead (sometimes) to false results with "LNB-sharing"?

a) a recording on "horizontal" is currently running -> all simultanious timers on "vert" will be deteted to fail -> OK

b) no recording is running -> all vert/hor, lo/hi (,dish positition?) conflicts will pass the test?

If ProvicesChannel() says TRUE and the Frequency is tuned or a device is free, there are no conflicts. I can only use what VDR tells me. So if LNB-sharing is an additional patch for VDR timeline plugin also needs to know of this somehow. See line 363-404 in checkerOsd.c.

If the patch adds some kind of function that helps me to test if a Channel is available if another channel is tuned on another device (or maybe this function already exists) this test might be possible.

Normally, inactive timers should be shown.


Oops, because I forgot the "n't" in shouldn't. Inactive timers shouldn't be shown ;-)

You haven't load the image yet? ;-)
I had ;-)

It shows approx. 20 timers and so the timers after approx. 20:00 are not accessible, as they would have the numbers 11,12,13 etc.

That'a the reason for the sugesstion to use a cursor to access
the timers.

I know of this problem. The point is that there are not enough colors for some kind of cursor to hilight the current timer, and I'm not having so much timers every day so I had no reason to know of such a problem ;-)

Why is time and programm name toggled automatically?

Why not? It's nice ;-)
It's stress! ;-)

I hope we are talking about the same: you mean the timer data that is shown when a timer is choosen. In my early releases this was shown in one long line - most time too long.


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