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[vdr] Re: OT: RGB Component from J2

I have a few opinions on this.

Do NOT get the connector from usa-x. I got it (paying a fortune as shipping it to Australia cost even more than the connector) and the image quality is HORRIFIC. MUCH, MUCH worse than the connector I had made myself and terribly grainy. The only obvious culprit for this was the ribbon cable. I had used a shielded cable and the picture was a thousand times better.

I'm actually currently using the S-Video signal. To use RGB I would have to add resistors (I did this once but since I only crimped things together it kept falling apart and was even more prone to shorting than it is now) because my Loewe TV finds the RGB signals too strong and the colours are visibly over-driven (and the image ends up being far too bright and grainy).

The only useful part of the usa-x connector was the back-plate (simply from some 25pin DB connector) and I ended up using that with my cable.


P.S. I wish somebody actually sold those damn VDR extension boards as I've spent enough money on SCART and other connectors as well as cables to buy few boards and it's all been wasted because I suck at soldering badly. I've finally run out of money too :/

On 18/04/2004, at 3:03 AM, lamikr wrote:

Yes, you can as long as your board supports TTL SP/DIF,
which it should. You want to use pin 6 as the output to
your amp? Can your amp handle TTL SP/DIF? Otherwise
(and to avoid ground loops) you could use an TOTX and
an optical input on the amp. Review the archives as I have
posted a How-To artical on this.

The question which creeps up is why do you want to do
that? You'r gonna need to install Linux drivers for the
Nvidia chipset and get the SP/DIF to work. Since Lirc
and the remote plugin can't control the muting via alsa
etc I see no real point in doing this.

I would like to do this because my amplifier (Denon AVR-3801)
has only one coaxial digital input and I am already using that for
from my motherboards sp/dif output for listening music, etc.

For avoiding the sound forwarding I have considered buying following connector

which would contains both video and sp/dif output from the J2.

The problem is that 3 digital inputs in my amplifier which are still free
are all optical and I do not know is it possible to convert the electrical
sound signal from the usax connector to optical format.

What is this byteway this TTL sp/dif, does it differ somehow from the common SP/DIF format?


SPDIF can't be muted via VDR (unless you use the TBE
Extension board) because when doing a "mute" all VDR
does is set the volume to zero (and rememebers the old
volume value to unmute). Since you can't set a digital
volume this doesn't work. Ergo muting via digital out
via VDR can't (and doesn't ;o)) work.

Of course, all of you playing with the J2 should be aware
that you are directly fooling around with the AV711x!
(which means being careful or use my protection PCB
(see vdrportal) or running Thomas Breuer's extension
board also on vdrportal ;o))


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