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[vdr] Re: fbxine vdr-xine matrox problem


Joerg Riechardt wrote:

is it possible to run vdr -Pxine on one computer and
attach to it over local network from another computer with xine?
No, currently this is not possible (or at least it is quite difficult to achive it otherwise). There are thoughts about this issue, but don't expect anything in the near future.

Maybe you should have a look at the streamdev plugin. To make use of it, you have to run VDR and the streamdev plugin on both computers. I'm not shure, but at least you will have to run the xine plugin too on the computer, where you'll want to use xine.

Just an idea: maybe it works to use rsh respectively ssh and cat for transfering the data from server to client. The tree fifos are opend in that order:
1. stream
2. stream.control
3. stream.result

So maybe, someone can create something like that:


V -> stream -> cat -> ssh >>> sshd -> cat -> stream -> x
D -> stream.control -> cat -> ssh >>> sshd -> cat -> stream.control -> i
R <- stream.result <- cat <- sshd <<< ssh <- cat <- stream.result <- n
Best luck!

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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