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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] yaepg-0.0.2

On 11/11/2004, at 10:16 PM, Michal Dobrzynski wrote:

On 11/11/2004, at 7:57 PM, Lauri Tischler wrote:

Michal Dobrzynski wrote:

On 11/11/2004, at 5:48 AM, Jeremy Jones wrote:
Do you have a script that automatically restarts vdr if it crashes ?
If the screen goes black and then switches to a channel makes it sound
like vdr is crashing and then restarting. Can you e-mail me your
channels.conf ? I will load it on my system to try and debug the
problem. Some other people have reported some strange behavior
depening on their channels.conf too.
Yes I do and it does seem to restart. Here's my channels.conf file:
ABC;ABC:226500000:I0C34D34M64B7T8G16Y0:T:0:512+128:650=eng;660=eng: 576: 0:577:4112:577:0
SEVEN;Seven Network:177500000:I0C23D23M64B7T8G8Y0:T:0:1025:1026:1028:0:1344: 4115: 1284:0
NINE;Nine Network Australia:191625000:I0C34D34M64B7T8G16Y0:T:0:513+130:660=eng; 661=eng: 577:0:1025:12803:1024:0
TEN;Ten Brisbane:219500000:I0C34D12M64B7T8G16Y0:T:0:512+128:650=eng;651=eng: 576:0:1601:4116:1540:0
SBS;SBS:585625000:I0C23D23M64B7T8G8Y0:T:0:161:81=eng:41:0:817:12802: 816:0
Your tpids have a space in, like : 576:
Just an observation.
Thanks for pointing that out. I hadn't noticed. The file was created by vdr so I assumed that all the data would be OK. I'll see if removing the spaces helps tomorrow (lots of recordings tonight).

Michal Dobrzynski
Actually, there seems to be no space there. Perhaps my email program or the clipboard did something to introduce it. Either way. Nothing to fix and so it still doesn't work :/

Michal Dobrzynski

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