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[linux-dvb] New CVS Driver and OSD crashes with vdr -a (was: popen.....)

After installing the latest CVS driver and doing some more tests I found 
out the following:

Aug 22 17:01:44 shiva vdr[2231]: resuming replay at index 6936 (0:04:37.12)
Aug 22 17:01:44 shiva kernel: dvb: playback 480x576 fr=3

Until there everything works.
Now I press "OK" for getting the progress bar displayed and "Right" for 
doing fast forward:

Aug 22 17:02:11 shiva kernel: dvb0: ARM crashed!
Aug 22 17:02:14 shiva kernel: dvb: playback 480x576 fr=3

As soon as the picture freezes, the "ARM crashed" entry appears. Not 
several seconds later as with earlier versions.
It seems that the driver tries to reload the firmware after this. Also I 
noticed that now the insmod process remains active until the driver is 
being removed:
  3416 ttyp0    S      0:00 insmod dvb.o init_chan=2 pids_off=0 readfirm=1

VDR seems to still try to replay the recording, as I have HD activity until 
I killall -KILL vdr.
However, the sound of the previously tuned channel is being played after 
the firmware reload, but no picture, and vdr does no longer react to ctrl-c 
or the remote control.
I still have to make rmmod and make insmod before restarting vdr, or it 
freezes immediately again the same way.

Slowly I begin to suspect that this is somehow driver/hardware/kernel 
A timing problem with PCI perhaps? A problem with Kernel 2.4.7? BIOS settings?

Since only a few(?) people experience that kind of crash, we should look 
for similarities to find out what's happening here.
(like board / chipset, kernel version, driver version, Linux distribution, 

@Andreas Vitting, Robert Schneider, Dieter Bloms:
Does your configuration anywhere match mine?

@Carsten Koch:
Could you mail me your system configuration details, as you wrote you 
didn't have this problem?

Does anybody have a suggestion what further tests I can do to track down 
the problem?


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