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[vdr] Re: Recording and watching encypted channels

On Thu, 12 Feb 2004, Jan Ekholm wrote:

> On Thu, 12 Feb 2004, [ISO-8859-1] Jussi Alanärä wrote:
> >On Thu, 12 Feb 2004, Jan Ekholm wrote:
> >
> >> Maybe there is some difference if VDR has to initialy change to a channel
> >> when a timer starts, or if that channel already is being watched? Maybe
> >
> >I tried only the latter, Animal Planet was already tuned when started
> >recording.
> >
> >> Anyway, it *is possible to somehow do it wrong, and I can try when I get
> >> home tonight.
> >
> >Post exact steps if you are able to do it again, I'll then try to
> >reproduce it.
> I could reproduce it, but it's a bit weird.
> These were the channels I used. All are encrypted channels and the
> definitions have not been tampered with:
> SVT1:146000:C0M128:C:6900:1019:1018:1014:1:1010:0:1:0
> SVT2:146000:C0M128:C:6900:1029:1028:1024:1:5030:0:1:0
> TV4:146000:C0M128:C:6900:1049:1048:1046:B00:1040:0:1:0
> I created a timer on SVT1 which started after 2 minutes without problems,
> I was still watching the same channel. Tried a direct "Channel down" to
> SVT2. No luck, I got the "Channel not available" message. Tried to access
> SVT2 through the "Channels" menu and that worked. I could switch to SVT2
> and at that point the recording "broke". I could not however switch to any
> other encrypted channel such as "TV4" nor to any other FTA channel. But I
> could switch to "SVT2".
> Maybe this has something to do with an old channels.conf from the 1.2 days
> being used (although modified by VDR)? The CAM-parameter is different for
> the last channel "TV4". The first two ones are old nad were present before
> I switched to VDR 1.3.x, "TV4" was added by VDR automatically.

Just tried, with different channels but those were on the channel bundle
as yours (I don't have subscription on swedish channels), channels which I
used were Animal Planet and BBC Prime.

But seems that, as you mentioned, those 'weird' CA-values in your channels
conf might have something to do with this. But don't know vdr that well,
maybe Klaus has something to say.

I changed manually my CA values to 1 from B00 (which is right for
Conax) but weren't able to change on to those channels. So I really can't
to reproduce this with your channels.conf values.

With right CA-value (B00), no matter what, I'm not able to switch channel
if I'm recording at the same time with that card.

> 9 is SVT1, 10 is SVT2 and 11 is TV4. Maybe I should let VDR rescan all the
> channels and that would fix the problem?

Or change those CA-values to 0 and let vdr handle it, that should do the
trick. Or you can manually replace them with B00 which is correct value.


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